Thursday, September 24, 2009

Week three

Well I am in the writing mood so I might as well stick with it. See that paper that was due on Tuesday I just finished it. I know nice and late right. That wasn’t my intention. My intention was to aim for success. And I was on Monday when I wrote the first seven eights of my essay. Given the nature of my job all employees eat lunch alone and I was working a double so I had written most of my essay there at work and then saved it to my folder on the hard drive at work. Which wasn’t realized till 11:00 am when I went to type up the conclusion and print it out before my 10 min. drive to school. Work is over an hour trip there and back. Leaving me no time to finish the conclusion and print it out. MAJOR SUCK. So I had no essay for essay workshop day; therefore didn’t go. But I used the extra time to further revise the essay and add some sources to it. So yea, my late essay is nice and solid though so maybe that’s something, IDK.

Speaking of writing essays and aiming for success I would like to offer a great resource for everyone in the class. It is a fantastic website for all courses that you have to site sources for. It helps you put together Bibliography in MLA style, MLA style is the style of bibliographies that all courses at DVC are supposed to use, but it offers other styles if you need them as well. If you were able to set up your blog and you are capable of looking up things in a book then you are plenty qualified to use this website. You put in your source type and it asks you different things about it, like author, publication date, ect. Filling these out is as easy as filling out fields on a website like name, DOB, email, ect. Then you put in other sources. It takes the fields and creates a properly formatted Bibliography entry with the right order and punctuation. It takes all your sources and puts them in order. Then you can download it as a Microsoft word file or view it as a web page and copy and paste it. Again it is a great resource.

I am getting better at shooting as well. I went to the Wednesday night 50 ft indoor shoot again and it went well. Improvement from last time was definitely notable. Last time out of a 100 points possible a relay, like a round, I shot an average of 69.8. This week I shot a average of 81.9. 12.1 points of improvement. By NRA standards this weeks shooting was done at a Bar 1 level. That is one level below the sharpshooter level. If the score is raised by 9.6 points it will be at the sharpshooter level and I will qualify for NRA competition, if I can find one. I stumbled across a free file filled with targets of all shapes and sizes, this includes the targets needed to practice shooting for the 50ft indoor range. Now I can practice when ever I find the time. No longer will I be confined to Wednesday night shoots. Bonus! I should be up to match level in no time.

Progress was made on finding an NRA competition as well. The guy who runs the shoot was out this week because he was at a shooting competition. He is a nice guy so I am sure that if I shoot him an email he will be happy to point me the right direction. No pun intended.


  1. Thats cool you are skilled enough to compete NRA very cool! Also thanks for the bib info. I need to start using that website thanks.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I've never been shooting. I don't necessarily think I want to go hunting but shooting has always been something I've wanted to do. my dad goes hunting start of deer season and always asks me if I want to go and sometimes I'm tempted to say yes, and then I remember he gets up at ass clock in the morning in the 25 degree weather and I say no thanks! I'd go shooting any day of the week though!
